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musicvideo  // german  // 4 Min  // 10.11.2001  // Hits: 2.012
bad women in an abysmal video

Team: fahrenhorst blaschke fröhlich

musicvideo Holger Burner (live) : Underclass
Holger Burner (live) : Underclass
please translate this description: Live-Auftritt von Holger Burner

In dem Stück wird die fragwürdige Debatte um die »Unterschicht« in der BRD thematisiert.
Diese wurde erst in Folge der zunehmenden Reichtumsschere in der BRD im Jahr 2006 von Kurt Beck (SPD) benannt und ausgerufen und dann umgehend wieder im ... more
length: 3:20 min  | date: 28.08.2009  | video-hits: 844
musicvideo Can you hear me, Josef?
Can you hear me, Josef?
Marc-Uwe Kling has written a song for Josef Ackermann.
length: 3:02 min  | date: 16.02.2009  | video-hits: 3.923
musicvideo Sternhagel Sauer - Punk band E-Egal playing at the blockade in Quickborn, pt. 1
Sternhagel Sauer - Punk band E-Egal playing at the blockade in Quickborn, pt. 1
Moving along the CASTOR route through the police corridor they got as far as the tractor blockade. With so many police keeping them safe, there was nothing to prevent a memorable performance by the bands. Part one of three.
length: 4:52 min  | date: 10.11.2008  | video-hits: 2.515
musicvideo "Banane" - Punk band E-Egal playing at the blockade in Quickborn, pt. 2
Moving along the CASTOR route through the police corridor they got as far as the tractor blockade. With so many police keeping them safe, there was nothing to prevent a memorable performance by the bands. Part two of three.

No road is too rough, we'll hurry here, on land, on water, in the air - we'll be part of it.
length: 5:47 min  | date: 10.11.2008  | video-hits: 1.033
musicvideo "Mich peitscht der ekel" (I'm scourged by disgust). - Punkband E-Egal playing at the blockade in Quickborn, pt. 3
Moving along the CASTOR route through the police corridor they got as far as the tractor blockade. With so many police keeping them safe, there was nothing to prevent a memorable performance by the bands. Last part and crowning conclusion with the top hit "mich peitscht der ekel" (I'm scourged by disgust).
length: 5:32 min  | date: 10.11.2008  | video-hits: 1.011
musicvideo Unsa Haus - Our house
Unsa Haus - Our house
Many housing projects in Berlin are in danger of eviction and displacement. Since April there is a new campaign - "Wir bleiben alle - We stay all." To support the campaign we made this solidarity video. We stay all! It's our house!
length: 3:51 min  | date: 23.04.2008  | video-hits: 4.130
musicvideo Berlin 2070: Everything is going to be alright!
Berlin 2070: Everything is going to be alright!
revolte springen rocks

[...] Time and again left wing houses and other projects are endangered, gentrification and privatisation are taking over. To oppose the dark future presentiments we created a vision and put it in a song: Berlin 2070, everything is going to be alright!
length: 5:34 min  | date: 27.02.2008  | video-hits: 3.885
musicvideo sink mediaspree
sink mediaspree
A strong rap against the project "Media-Spree" in Kreuzberg-Friedrichshain in Berlin. It is a political walk through places in Berlin, radical und against the norm. In this clip, which so far is unique in its lesbian-gay-queer way, the growning commercialisation, stupidity and reorganisation of the city is being attacked by Ari Som and others.
length: 7 min  | date: 20.06.2007  | video-hits: 7.988
musicvideo RFID Song
"Users, there's trouble ahead
I said users, it is totally sad
But users, the future lies in your hand,
Cause it's all about surveillance" - With these words the RFID song of the band monochrom begins. This is the first live act which was held at the 23C3 (23rd Chaos Communication Congress) in Berlin in December 2006.
length: 3,54 min  | date: 29.01.2007  | video-hits: 2.254
musicvideo virus programmer
virus programmer
A religiouse nerd programms a virus to crash the internet. World wide trade collapses and starts the last world war. A P O C A L Y P S E
length: 7 min  | date: 21.11.2006  | video-hits: 2.322
Holger Burner (live) : Unterschicht_eng
Hörst du mich, Josef?_eng
Sternhagel Sauer - E-EGAL live auf der Treckerblockade in Quickborn, 1. Teil_eng
"Banane" - E-EGAL live auf der Treckerblockade in Quickborn, 2. Teil_eng
"Mich peitscht der Ekel" - E-EGAL live auf der Treckerblockade in Quickborn, 3. Teil_eng
Unsa Haus_eng
Berlin 2070: Alles wird gut!_eng
Mediaspree versenken_eng
RFID Song_eng
g8-tv trailer_eng
Wovon lebt der Mensch_eng
Eschberg - Red_eng
Gehen wir?_eng
Main Concept - Der 58er_eng
Koeln Porz Deadline_eng
themensektion lebensabend und kontrolle_eng
ganja therapie_eng
ziviler ungehorsam_eng
july 20th_eng
more than a woman_eng
ben und peter_eng
VJ demo_eng
preludio VI_eng
elvis in Indien_eng
rocket freudental_eng
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