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 // german  // 40 Min.  // 20.07.2001  // Hits: 12.630
wie jedes jahr haben wir die geschehnisse rund um den 1. mai mit fuenf kamerateams begleitet. diesmal gab es ueber 2 wochen ein warming up, um das ereignis mit politischen inhalten zu fuellen: die maisteine kampagne. mit originellen aktionen wurde sozialabbau, der erdrueckende reichtum dieser stadt und der VIP eingang bei der MOMA ausstellung thematisiert.

der erfreulichse teil der diesjaehrigen ersten mai-festspiele war jedoch, dass es 2000 antifas gelang, einen naziaufmarsch durch friedrichshain zu verhindern. der verlauf des abends folgte dann streng dem ritual: nach kreuzberg anreisen, bier trinken und rumstehen, um 21:30 kleine krawalle am heinrichplatz provozieren, partyvideo drehen, wasserwerfer.

der beste live-act geht dieses jahr an: einen nackten mann mittleren alters, der mitten im steinehagel vor der polizei herumsprang.

more clips: Mayday • Mayday 2004 Berlin
Team: kanalB

short-docu riot in Oranienstrasse
riot in Oranienstrasse
Berlin, Kreuzberg 36, 1. May 2004 - people throwing stones and fireworks on the police und set fire.
length: 5:00 min  | date: 02.05.2004  | video-hits: 5.852
short-docu evening in xberg
evening in xberg
Berlin, 1. May 2004 - pupils from Charlottenburg assault the streets of Kreuzberg
length: 3 min  | date: 02.05.2004  | video-hits: 4.464
short-docu interview with polit-activist
interview with polit-activist
Berlin, Kreuzberg 36, 1. May 2004, 20:00 - >>I can understand everybody who throws stones - open the news in the morning i feel like vomit. <<
length: 4:00 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 934
snippet interviews with passerbys
interviews with passerbys
please translate this description: Berlin, Kreuzberg 36, 1. Mai 2004, 21 uhr - "die wissen selbst nicht wogegen sie protestieren", "mich interessiert ob die polizeitaktiken sich aendern", "wir laufen hier rum und kucken", " die wollen das die welt hoert was sie wollen".
length: 4:30 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 942
short-docu demonstration despite demonstration ban
demonstration despite demonstration ban
please translate this description: Berlin, Kreuzberg 36, 1. Mai 2004, 20 uhr 30 - trotz faktischem demonstrationsverbot startet eine demo, die auf bis zu 800 leute anwaechst. einige der teilnehmerInnen haben sich vermummt.
length: 3:00 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 2.111
snippet interview with culture activist
interview with culture activist
please translate this description: Berlin, Kreuzberg 36, 1. Mai 2004, 19 uhr 30 - fuer den aktivist des kulturprojektes AZUL in der Adalbertstrasse bedeutet der 1. Mai in Kreuzberg vorallem eine ritualisierung. die proteste sollten besser am Potsdamer Platz oder am Kurfuerstendamm stattfinden "wo die symbole der macht sind.".
length: 2:50 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 332
short-docu mayday, revolutionary demo
mayday, revolutionary demo
Berlin, 1. mai 2004 - the revolutionary 1. may-rally at 4 pm from Potsdamer Platz to Kottbusser Tor.
length: 4:20 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 1.294
snippet revolutionaere 1.mai demo
revolutionaere 1.mai demo
Berlin, 1. Mai 2004 - some impressions from the revolutionaery demo at 4 pm at Potsdamer Platz and in Leipziger Strasse.
length: 1:11 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 948
snippet 13 oclock demo
13 oclock demo
Berlin, 1. Mai 2004 - the opinions on the 1.st of may vary a lot. impressions of passer-bys of the 13:00 demo
length: 3 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 763
snippet closed in by the police
closed in by the police
Berlin-Friedrichshain, 1. Mai 2004 -300 people who blocked
Frankfurter Allee for acting
against a neonazi-demo, have been stopped by the cops for 5 hours. One of the
anti-activists: "Even when I get into jail, it was for a good thing"
length: 1:10 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 1.854
short-docu identity number
identity number
Berlin, 01.05.2004 - a policeman becomes deaf when a demonstrator politly demands the id number.
length: 0:46 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 2.475
short-docu antifa and nazi demo
antifa and nazi demo
Berlin, 1. Mai 2004 - the nazis are demonstrating, the antifa is there to stop them "there are never enough occasions to thwart a society with fascist ideas"
length: 3:14 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 3.614
short-docu blokades against rally of neonazis
blokades against rally of neonazis
please translate this description: Berlin-Lichtenberg, 1. Mai 2004 - mehrmals blockieren menschen die neonazi-demo auf der strecke vom bahnhof Lichtenberg ueber die Lichtenberger Bruecke.
length: 4:30 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 2.056
short-docu the street is made clear
the street is made clear
Berlin-Friedrichshain, 1. Mai 2004 - after the nazis have waited for 3 hours the police is fighting for a free passage for them. some barricades are burning on the frankfurter allee to stop the police on theri mission.
length: 2,5 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 3.001
short-docu nazi demo
nazi demo
Berlin-Lichtenberg, 1. Mai 2004 - 1000 to 1500 nazis are waiting near the terminal Lichtenberg because some 2000 antifa"s are blocing the streets successfully. some nazi"s are so angry, they even spit on the journalists.
length: 2,4 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 5.957
short-docu neonazi manisfestation disturbed
neonazi manisfestation disturbed
please translate this description: Berlin-Lichtenberg, 1. Mai 2004 - bereits die auftaktkundgebung von 2000 neonazis am bahnhof Lichtenberg wird gestoert. 4 leute schaffen es mehrere hundert neonazis zu provozieren. ein antifaschistischer skinhead: "wir wollen den nazis zeigen was richtige skinheads sind.". ein passant vergleicht ... more
length: 2:50 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 2.828
short-docu antifa demo
antifa demo
Berlin, 01.05.2004 - impressions of the antifa demo against the nazi manifestation.
length: 6,20 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 1.267
short-docu following up the 3rd of april?
following up the 3rd of april?
Berlin 1 May 2004, demo of the Federation of German Trade Unions DGB. The head of DGB Sommer has to speak infront of only half the people from last year - even though 500.000 were out on the streets on the 3 April.
length: 3 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 228
short-docu end of DGB demonstration
end of DGB demonstration
1. may 2004 Berlin, final manisfestation of the german Unions. some unionists are not satisfied with the lack of will to fight of their absent colleagues and the union.
length: 2 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 124
snippet children
1. mai 2004 Berlin, DGB (german unions) demo - children demonstrate for better working conditions..
"we are children who work and we fight for better working conditions. so this is the day of the working people and we believe we are one of them. (...) we are working on bus terminals, at crossroads, on markets, on the streets and we are fighting for better working conditions."
"are you worling here ... more
length: 1 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 187
nr_36: Casanare
nr_35: Many Straws Make A Nest
nr_33: InternatIonal Video Network DVDzine
nr_32: No Border Camp Ukraine 2007
nr_31: G8-TV
nr_30: Territorio pacificado
nr_24: murdered Coca-Cola unionists in Colombia
nr_20: no-border camp Cologne 2003
nr_15: Bush in Berlin 2002
nr_13: Argentina 2002
nr_10: Genoa g8 summit 2001
nr_6: Prague IMF and worldbank resistance 2000

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